Thursday, September 18, 2008

A New Beginning

A good friend of mine introduced me to her blog, a couple of days ago. She is just starting. "Our Little Family", so it says. It was about -well, mostly- her newly built family, since she & her husband are expecting a baby anytime soon.

But this is not about that. The reason why I'm writing this post is because somehow she struck me by the fact that she started what she's doing right now, was merely just by depending on her will, and to actually try doing it. All that made me realize that I have given up something that used to be my passion: writing. I forgot where I kept my posts. I don't even remember when the last time I wrote something. I only remember the reason why I quit. And that book should be closed long ago, then be replaced by a new one. I guess this is more like a revelation for the inner me. That I have to get up and continue what I started at the first place.

So here I am. Starting fresh yet nervous. Trying to gather all my muses back, and getting used to it. Embracing a new chapter of my story, then letting it carry me away through each and every bump, under the weather, and over this dazzling life's excitement.

Bobby W Raharjo

Thanks for waking me up, Pinot!
Please do visit hers also: pinot


pratyaksa family said...

kyaaa...terharu gw!
bobby is tmn gw yg paliiing sabar & mau meladeni celotehan gw setiap hari, dr yg penting sampe ngga penting (setidaknya penting buat gw..nggak buat dia, haha :D)
a very good friend indeed!

thank you bobskiii... (",)

Bobby W Raharjo said...

Ihik.. ihik..

Aku juga jadi terharu..